The Order of the Bog Myrtle is the Clan Campbell Society (North America)'s highest honor. The Order, with permission of the Clan Chief, His Grace Torquhil Ian Campbell, 13th Duke of Argyll (S), 6th Duke of Argyll (UK), was founded by the Clan Campbell Society (North America) on April 1, 2023.
The order's primary emblem is the Bog Myrtle. The Bog Myrtle is the plant emblem of Clan Campbell.
Nominations are made by the current members of the Order of the Bog Myrtle, and then referred to the Nominating Committee of the Clan Campbell Society.
Equivalent to a "Hall of Fame" or "Lifetime Achievement Award", The Order of the Bog Myrtle is presented to individuals for accomplishments that are truly extraordinary, and widely recognized as such, and of positive and lasting quality, and to recognize contributions over the whole of a career of Clan Campbell Society / Clan Campbell involvement. Recognition is granted to an individual for activities related exclusively to the Clan Campbell Society and Clan Campbell.
Members of the Order of the Bog Myrtle use the post-nominal letters "OBM". When an individual is entitled to use multiple post-nominal letters, "OBM" appears before all others, except as order of precedence requires.
The badge-appendant is worn suspended from the collar. It comprises a depiction of Bog Myrtle, encircling a field Gyronny of eight Or and Sable, in the centre point a boar’s head fessways, erased Or, encircled by Ne Obliviscaris. The words, “The Order of the Bog Myrtle” circumscribing the outer edge of the insignia.
The Order of the Bog Myrtle, which pertains to the Clan Campbell Society, is the most senior in precedence of all Clan Campbell Society honors and awards.
The order’s motto is “Ne Obliviscaris", Latin for “Forget Not”. The same motto appears on the Arms of the His Grace the Duke of Argyll, Mac Cailein Mòr, Chief of Clan Campbell.
The great Clans and families of Scotland identified themselves and their allegiance to their Chief by putting the Suaicheantas, or Badge, which was a sprig of plant, in their bonnet, or cloak pin.
The creation of the Order was made upon the recommendation, at the April 1, 2023 Executive Council Meeting of the Clan Campbell Society (North America), by Board member Charles Randell Seale of Alabama, USA, as a vehicle to recognize those members of the Clan Campbell Society who have made lasting and impactful contributions to the Clan Campbell Society over the course of the history of the Society. Following a unanimous vote of the Board, a nomination committee, chaired by Cherie Thompson Bates of AZ, USA, was formed and charged with identifying members of distinction who have exhibited outstanding service over the course of the first 50 years of the Clan Campbell Society (North America). The name of the Order was suggested by Jeffery A. McDermott of SC, USA, and the original design of the insignia was by Eric D. Campbell of VA, USA.
The first investiture ceremony was held on the evening of October 21, 2023 at the Annual General Meeting of the Clan Campbell Society (North America) in Peachtree Corners, GA, USA.
Clan Campbell Society (North America) President Eric D. Campbell of VA, USA, assisted by Vice-President Jeffery A. McDermott of SC, USA, conducted the investiture ceremony.
List of the Inaugural Class of 2023 Inductees into the Order of the Bog Myrtle:
His Grace Torquhil Ian Campbell, 28th Mac Cailein Mòr, 13th Duke of Argyll (S), 6th Duke of Argyll (UK), Inveraray Castle, Scotland, UK
his Order of the Bog Myrtle.
Donald Draper Campbell, Esq., OStJ, FSAScot, AZ, USA
Duncan Beaton, FSAScot, Scotland, UK
Diarmid Alexander Campbell, Esq., Scotland, UK
Col Joseph McD. Campbell, Jr. Esq., FSAScot, LA, USA
Kenneth B. Campbell, FSAScot, LA, USA
Dr. Ruby G. Campbell, Ph.D., FSAScot, LA, USA
Carl A. Guilford, Jr., CA, USA
Michael J. Fisher, MI, USA
Charles Randell Seale, AL, USA
David A. Stedman, NJ, USA
Barbara Burns Sharp, AR, USA
Lt Col Robert Campbell St. John, Jr., USAF Ret., FSAScot, FL, USA
MCPO Mike Taylor, US Navy Ret., TN, USA
Inductees present at the first investiture 2023
Donald Draper Campbell, Esq., OStJ, OBM, FSAScot
Col Joseph McD. Campbell, Jr. Esq., OBM, USAF Ret., FSAScot
Lt Col Robert Campbell St. John, Jr., OBM, USAF Ret., FSAScot
MCPO Mike Taylor, OBM, US Navy Ret.
Duncan Beaton, OBM, FSAScot
Carl A. Guilford, Jr., OBM
Charles Randell Seale, OBM
Inductees not present for the 2023 Inaugural Investiture
Inductees not present for the 2023 Inaugural Investiture, were presented their Insignia in person by members of the Order where possible. (Not pictured Mike Fisher, OBM)
Randy Seale, OBM (left) and Col Joe McD. Campbell, OBM (right), representing the Clan Campbell Society and the Order of the Bog Myrtle, present medallions and certificates of the Order of the Bog Myrtle to Dr. Ruby Campbell and Kenn Campbell for their many, many contributions, and nearly 40 years of service, to the Clan Campbell Society and Clan Campbell.
Following the presentation, the four kinsmen had lunch at a local restaurant that turned out to be having a "Harry Potter" theme day so it was a "magical" time for all!
Clan Campbell Society (North America) has inducted its greatest friends and supporters in Scotland, Diarmid A. Campbell, Esq., and Duncan Beaton into the Order of the Bog Myrtle.
Duncan Beaton, OBM representing the Clan Campbell Society and the Order of the Bog Myrtle, presented Diarmid A. Campbell, Esq., OBM with his medallion and certificate of the Order of the Bog Myrtle, upon his return to Scotland after the 2023 AGM.
Duncan also presented the medallion and certificate of the Order of the Bog Myrtle to His Grace, the 13th Duke of Argyll. (pictured above)
Lost in the mail for months and supposedly “unrecoverable", JOURNAL Editor David A. Stedman’s "Order of the Bog Myrtle" was found not by the US postal authorities (who confessed they were at a loss), but by his own relentless searching, and his heroic postman. David is honored to have received his OBM and looks forward to wearing it on ceremonial occasions!
Pictured left is David A. Stedman, OBM wearing his medallion and displaying his certificate of the Order of the Bog Myrtle.
Order of the Bog Myrtle 2024 Investiture Ceremony
Nancy E. Campbell, Esquire, DTJ, FSAScot was honored at the Investiture Ceremony of the Order of the Bog Myrtle for a Lifetime of Service to Clan Campbell, the Clan Campbell Society, and the Clan Campbell Education Foundation. The Ceremony was held on the evening of November 1, 2024 at the Annual General Meeting of the Clan Campbell Society (North America) at the Embassy Suites North Charleston Convention Center on November 01, 2024, North Charleston, SC, USA.
Edward V. Cattell, Jr., Esquire, was honored at the Investiture Ceremony of the Order of the Bog Myrtle for a Lifetime of Service to Clan Campbell, the Clan Campbell Society, and the Clan Campbell Education Foundation. The Ceremony was held on the evening of November 1, 2024 at the Annual General Meeting of the Clan Campbell Society (North America) at the Embassy Suites North Charleston Convention Center on November 01, 2024, North Charleston, SC, USA.
Order of the Bog Myrtle Posthumous Awards:
The Late Mrs. Mary Latham Norton (Founder of the Clan Campbell Association of America, 1929, aka "1st Founder")
The Late Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of Argyll (S) and 5th Duke of Argyll (UK)
The Late Lady Jeanne Louise Campbell
The Late John Boylston Campbell
The Late Judge Hugh Brown Campbell, Sr.
The Late Hugh Purfield Moore, Esq.