The origins of the Clan Campbell can be traced back over a 1000 years. It is the largest Scottish family in the world. It is estimated that 20 million persons either have the name Campbell or their ancestors had placed themselves under protection of the Campbells and accepted the Duke of Argyll as their Chief. Our Chief is His Grace, Sir Torquhil Ian Campbell, the 13th Duke of Argyll (S), 6th Duke of Argyll (UK). The Duke and Duchess of Argyll along with their two sons and daughter live in Inveraray Castle in Argyll, Scotland. Inveraray Castle has been the hereditary home of the Campbell Chiefs since the 15th century. The Duke of Argyll personally encourages and participates in the world-wide activities of the Clan Campbell societies.
In 1972, a group of Campbells attending the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in North Carolina, USA discussed the formation of a clan society. The Clan Campbell Society (USA) was the outgrowth of that meeting. When it was found that others in New York were working along the same lines, the combined efforts added impetus to the concept. With the approval of our then Chief Mac Cailein Mòr, Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of Argyll, a constitution was adopted in 1974. In 1992 the Society became the Clan Campbell Society (North America) to acknowledge an increasing number of Canadian members. Since these beginnings, we have grown rapidly and become one of the largest and most active of the many Scottish clan societies in Canada and the United States.
As a Campbell, or a member of a sept of Clan Campbell, you are blessed with a proud heritage that can be traced back many generations to earliest recorded history. It is a goal of the Society to help you learn more about, and to develop a better understanding and enjoyment of that heritage.
The Society sponsors programs that honor our Scottish heritage and inspire in our members and the general public the pride and spirit of our Scottish ancestors. It speaks to develop a feeling of mutual kinship and support among its members.
The Clan Campbell Society (NA) is non-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian.
The Society has established a Genealogical Archive and Library to gather and preserve historical, literary and genealogical materials pertaining to Clan Campbell. The Archives contain genealogical records on thousands of families of Campbell or related ancestry. This is continually growing as Society members and others submit their research and queries to the Genealogist. The Library is a reference resource of hundreds of books, papers and articles containing information about Campbells and related families. The Library is continually being expanded through the purchase of new books and through the contributions of members. A catalog describing the holdings of the Library is available to members at cost. There is a charge (at cost) for photo-copying and mailing costs for materials from the Library or Archives. The Librarian is the Genealogist of the Society.
A genealogy program is a very important service provided by the Society. Material from the documents contained in the Society Archives and Library is available through the Society Genealogist, Dr. Ruby G. Campbell, Ph.D. In the event that the Genealogist does not have access to information on your particular ancestry, the Genealogist is experienced in offering advice and will attempt to provide you with assistance which will enable you to locate additional information. There is a small fee for search of the archives (it has been $10.00 (USD) for members and $20.00 (USD) for non-members but may be revised).
The Society publishes the quarterly JOURNAL of the CLAN CAMPBELL SOCIETY (North America) which is the heart of communication between members. In addition to official notices of Society business, articles feature the activities of members, announcements of coming events and reports of recent events.
Every issue has several historical and genealogical feature articles. A very popular feature is the "Kith and Kin" section. In this section, those conducting genealogical research may submit queries about their ancestry (see Journal for typical format) to the Genealogist for inclusion in the Journal. Material for "Kith & Kin" should be sent to the address for the Genealogist, Dr. Ruby G. Campbell, Ph.D., listed in the front of the Journal.
The JOURNAL is published quarterly and is the one of the seven main benefits of membership in the Society, being distributed without additional charge to all members of the Society.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Society is a major event. It is usually held at a different location in North America each year, frequently in conjunction with one of the Scottish Highland Games. It lasts three days and features a Clan Picnic and Banquet. The Society is represented at most Scottish Highland Games and Fairs in all parts of Canada and the United States. Regular social events are held throughout the year in many local areas. Provincial and State representatives ('commissioners') are listed in the front of the Journal and can be contacted for local activity information.
The Society supplies Clan Campbell educational material and merchandise, that would otherwise not be available, to members at attractive prices. The three volume A History of Clan Campbell, Clan Campbell music CDs, Clan Campbell DVDs, children's products, and more Campbell-related items for sale are listed inside the back cover of each issue of the quarterly Journal and are available by visiting our web site STORE.
You can become a member of the Clan Campbell Society if your name is Campbell, if you are the descendant of a Campbell, if you are a descendant of a member of a recognized Sept of the Clan Campbell, or (for those with other names) if you acknowledge Mac Cailein Mòr as your Clan Chief.
If you are a descendant of a family of Scottish origin, you can become a Scottish Member of the Society.
Affiliate Membership is available to any person, regardless of ancestral lineage, interested in learning about the culture and history of Scotland and the Clan Campbell.
All three classes of membership have identical rights and privileges except that only those of Campbell or Sept descent may hold elective office.
As this indicates, you can 'belong' to only one Clan, but can belong to more than one Clan Society, the Clan Societies being a part of their clans but not being clans themselves. You are born into (or may adopt) a clan. The clan societies are a means for those interested to become more active in nurturing - and learning about - their heritage in their clan.
The Society welcomes new members of all backgrounds, races, religions and orientations and is open to all who have a constructive interest in nurturing worldwide kinship through their Campbell heritage, whether by birth or adoption.
Membership - United States: $30.00/yr USD, Outside the U.S. and Canada: $40.00/yr USD.
You will be billed annually provided that you up-date the Data Service (see Journal for address) of any address change, well before any move. If you do not receive your Membership Card within six weeks of applying, contact the Membership Chair whose address is below. Checks should be made payable to the Clan Campbell Society and, for renewing members, should include the CCS(NA) ID number from the top of your Journal label. Please note that in the US, if you move without informing our Membership Service directly (who print the Journal mailing labels) in good time, your Journal will not be forwarded since it is of a class of mail not forwarded by the US Postal Service. This is not the case in Canada.
Dues Paid for annual memberships cover a full year and 4 issues of the Journal.
For membership information please contact:
Clan Campbell Society (NA)
Surnames (SEPTS) of the Clan Campbell | ||
Arthur Bannatyne Burnes Burness Burnett Burns Connochie Conochie Denoon Denune Gibbon Gibson Harres Harris Hawes Haws Hawson Isaac Isaacs Iverson Kellar Keller Kissack Kissock Lorne |
MacArtair MacArthur MacCarter MacColm MacColmbe MacConachie MacConchie MacConnechy MacConochie MacEller MacElvie MacGibbon MacEver MacGlasrich MacGubbin MacGure MacIsaac MacIver MacIvor MacKellar MacKelvie MacKerlie MacKerlich MacKessack MacKessock MacKissoch |
MacLaws MacLehose MacNichol MacNocaird MacOnachie MacOran MacOwen MacPhedran MacPhun MacTause MacTavish MacThomas MacUre Moore Muir Ochiltree Orr Pinkerton Taweson Tawesson Thomas Thomason Thompson Thomson Ure |
Breadalbain Breadalbane Campbell MacDermid MacDermott MacDiarmid |
Caddell Cadell Calder Campbell Cattell Cawdor Torrie Torry |
Campbell Hastings Louden Loudon Loudoun Lowden Lowdon |
Most clan 'Sept Lists' were devised not by the Clan Chiefs or historians but by tartan manufacturers. Such Lists are therefore not necessarily either fully accurate historically or complete. However the Lists have been in existence for a number of generations and our Chief has therefore decided that, even where they might be appropriate, names will not be added or deleted. The absence of a name from the List does not therefore mean that a name is not of Clan Campbell. Equally, the presence of a name on the List is in no way intended to mislead those whose family is in fact connected to quite a different kindred. That some names also appear on the 'Sept Lists' of other clans is only to be expected since some having the same 'Mac' name may be of entirely different origins from each other. Only your personal genealogical research (or decision to adopt Clan Campbell as your own) can confirm your connection to Clan Campbell.
"Mac" is the Galic word for son. It is often abbreviated "Mc". The two spellings are interchangeable. Many minor variations exist in the spelling of these sept names; these variations are usually not important.
Source: Diarmid Campbell, Esq., BA Cantab., MLA UCB, FSA (Scot)
Editor Emeritus, The Journal of the Clan Campbell Society (North American)