Torquhil Ian Campbell, 13th Duke of Argyll (S), 6th Duke of Arygll (UK) (b.1968)
Torquhil Campbell the 28th Mac Cailein Mòr, the thirty-fifth Chief of Clan Campbell, His Grace, the 13th Duke of Argyll (S), and the 6th Duke of Arygll (UK) was born Torquhil Ian Campbell on 29 May 1968. The 13th Duke of Argyll is the son of Sir Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of Argyll and his wife Iona Mary Colquhoun, the daughter of the late Sir Ivar Iain Colquhoun of Luss 8th Bt., Chief of Clan Colquhoun.
He was styled Earl of Campbell (heir apparent of the Marquess of Lorne) between 29 May 1968 and 7 April 1973.
He was styled Marquess of Lorne (heir apparent of the Duke of Argyll) between 7 April 1973 and 21 April 2001.
His Grace, the Duke was educated at Glenalmond College, Perthshire, Scotland. He then went on to the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, where he was awarded a diploma in Rural Estate Management. Prior to that, from 1980 to 1983, he had been a Page of Honour to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II. On leaving Cirencester, he took up a post as Assistant Land Agent for the Duke of Buccleuch at the Buccleuch Estates near Selkirk in the Scottish Borders where he remained from 1991 to 1993. The following two years were spent in London working as a sales manager for the Grosvenor House Hotel. Then in 1995 he joined the French Pernod Ricard beverage empire and went to Hong Kong as marketing manager to one of their subsidiary companies, Casella Far East. He is still working for Pernod Ricard as international regional manager for their subsidiary, Chivas Brothers Ltd., a company exporting the group's Scotch whiskies throughout the world. Based in London, he spends much of his time abroad in the Far East.
In the photo above, His Grace the Duke of Argyll with his children, Archie Marquis of Lorne (R), Lord Rory Campbell (C), and Lady Charlotte Mary Campbell (L) stand in review at the 2019 Inveraray Highland Games. The duke carries a boar’s head staff presented to him by the Clan Campbell Society Germany. Lord Lorne later presided over the Games’ closing ceremonies.
- Titles and Honors: He succeeded as the Chief of the Honorable Clan Campbell, Mac Cailein Mór on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 23rd Lord Campbell [S., 1445] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 22nd Earl of Argyll [S., 1457] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 22nd Lord Lorne [S., 1470] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 16th Lord of Kintyre [S., 1626] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 15th Baronet Campbell, of Lundie [N.S., 1627] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 13th Duke of Argyll [S., 1701] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 13th Marquess of Kintyre and Lorn [S., 1701] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 13th Earl of Campbell and Cowall [S., 1701] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 13th Viscount of Lochow and Glenyla [S., 1701] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 13th Lord of Inveraray, Mull, Morvern and Tiree [S., 1701] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 9th Baron Sundridge, of Coomb Bank, Kent [G.B., 1766] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 10th Baron Hamilton of Hameldon, co. Leicester [G.B., 1776] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of 6th Duke of Argyll [U.K., 1892] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of Hereditary Master of the Royal Household in Scotland [S., 1667] on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of Hereditary Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of Hereditary Keeper of the royal castles of Dunoon, Carrick, Dunstaffnage and Tarbert on 21 April 2001.
- He succeeded to the title of Admiral of the Western Coasts and Isles on 21 April 2001.
Multiple Dukedoms
On April 17, 1892, the 8th Duke of Argyll (Scotland) was created the 1st Duke of Argyll in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. Thus, our Chief, His Grace, The Duke of Argyll is one of only five British peers to hold more than one Dukedom, the others being:
The Prince Charles, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales (E., 1301), the Duke of Cornwall (E., 1337) and the Duke of Rothesay (S., 1398);
The Duke of Hamilton (S., 1643) and the Duke of Brandon (G.B., 1711);
The Duke of Buccleuch (S. 1663) and the Duke of Queensberry (S., 1684)
The Duke of Richmond (E., 1675), Duke of Lennox (S., 1675) and the Duke of Gordon (U.K., 1876) (Who alone holds three British Dukedoms.)
Historically, several other peers have held multiple Dukedoms, including the Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne and Newcastle-under-Lyne, the Duke of Argyll and Greenwich, the Duke of Monmouth and Buccleuch and the two Dukes of Queensberry and Dover and some other mainly Royal Dukes.
In the Scottish Peerage, the Order of Precedence for Dukes is as follows:
The Duke of Rothesay (S., 1398): The Prince Charles, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales (E., 1301)
The Duke of Hamilton (S., 1643): The Chief of Clan Hamilton
The Duke of Buccleuch (S., 1663) and Queensberry (S., 1684): The Chief of Clan Scott
The Duke of Lennox (S., 1675): House of Stewart of Darnley (Not a Clan Chief)
The Duke of Argyll (S., 1701): The Chief of Clan Campbell
The Duke of Atholl (S., 1703): The Chief of Clan Murray
The Duke of Montrose (S., 1707): The Chief of Clan Graham
The Duke of Roxburghe (S., 1707): The Chief of Clan Kerr
The Duke of Argyll's full title is:
The most high, potent and noble prince His Grace Torquhil Ian Campbell, Duke of Argyll, Marquess of Kintyre and Lorne, Earl of Argyll, Campbell and Cowal, Viscount Lochawe and Glenyla, Lord Campbell, Lorne, Kintyre, Inveraray, Mull, Morvern and Tiree in the peerage of Scotland, Baron Sundbridge of Coombank and Baron Hamilton of Hameldon in the peerage of Great Britain, Duke of Argyll in the peerage of the United Kingdom, Baronet of Nova Scotia, Hereditary Master of the Royal Household in Scotland, Hereditary Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, Hereditary Keeper of the royal castles of Dunoon, Carrick, Dunstaffnage and Tarbert, Admiral of the Western Coasts and Isles, and Chief of the Honorable Clan Campbell, Mac Cailein Mór.
The Duke of Argyll's Titles and Hereditary Offices:
Lord Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute (Scotland) | c. 1402 |
Chief of the Name and Arms of Campbell Master of the Royal Household in Scotland (S., 1667) Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland Admiral of the Western Coasts and Isles Keeper of the Royal Castles of: High Sheriff of Argyllshire Member Queen's Body Guard for Scotland Member Royal Company of Archers |
36th Baron & 46th Knight of Lochow (Scotland) | c. 1445 | |
23rd Lord Campbell (Scotland) | c. 1445 | |
22nd Earl of Argyll (Scotland) | c. 1470 | |
22nd Lord of Lorne (Scotland) | 17 April 1470 | |
16th Lord of Kintyre (Scotland) | 2 Feb. 1626 | |
15th Baronet Lundie of the Order of Nova Scotia (Scotland) | 13 Dec. 1627 | |
13 th DUKE of ARGYLL (Scotland) | 23 June 1701 | |
13th Marquess of Kintyre & Lorne (Scotland) | 23 June 1701 | |
13th Earl of Campbell and Cowal (Scotland) | 23 June 1701 | |
13th Viscount of Lochow & Glenyla (Scotland) | 23 June 1701 | |
13th Lord of the Inveraray, Mull, Morvern & Tiree (Scotland) | 23 June 1701 | |
9th Baron Sundridge, of Coomb Bank in the County of Kent (GB) | 22 Dec. 1766 | |
10th Baron Hamilton, of Hameldon in the County of Leicester (GB) | 20 May 1776 | |
6th DUKE of ARGYLL (United Kingdom) | 7 April 1892 |
Sir Torquhil Ian Campbell, the 13th Duke of Argyll, eldest son of the late Sir Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of Argyll and the Duchess of Argyll, Iona Mary nee Colquhoun, and Miss. Eleanor Cadbury were married at 15th century St. Mary's Church, Fairford, Gloucestershire, England on Saturday 8 June 2002.
The couple became engaged in January 2002, following a nine year romance.
Her Grace, the Duchess of Argyll was born Eleanor Cadbury on 26 January 1973 in London, England. She is the daughter of Mr. Peter Hugh George Cadbury, of Fairford, co. Gloucester, past Chairman of Close Brothers Corporate Finance, and his wife the former Sally Strouvelle, dau. of Peter Frederick Strouvelle, of Cape Town, South Africa.
At the wedding, Eleanor Cadbury, who is a cousin of the family who founded the Cadbury chocolate empire, wore a stunning cream dress and overcoat, while holding a matching bouquet of cream roses. The Duke wore the family Campbell tartan.
The Saturday service was attended by more than 100 guests. The Church of Scotland ceremony was officiated by The Rev. John Willard of St. Mary's and was assisted by, Inveraray parish minister, The Rev. Brian Wilkinson of Glenaray, Inveraray, and featured a Gaelic blessing. The bride was given in marriage by her father and was attended by Miss Alice Palau, George Bruce and Laura Landale. Mr. Jamie Landale was best man. A reception took place afterwards at the bride's home.
Through her marriage, Eleanor Cadbury gained the title of Duchess of Argyll on 8 June 2002.
While the Campbell ancestral home of Inveraray Castle will be the couple's family home, they will be living and working in London, but spending more of their personal time in Scotland. After the wedding, the Duke continued his employment with whisky distiller Chivas Brothers Ltd, while Duchess Eleanor remained with the public relations and communications management firm Weber Shandwick Worldwide, London, England. Inveraray Castle was the setting for a party when the couple returned from their honeymoon
An Heir Is Born
The Duke and Duchess of Argyll currently have three children, two sons and a daughter. Their first son, Lord Archie Frederick Campbell, Marquess of Lorne was born 3:55 p.m. 9 March 2004 at Queen Charlottes Hospital, London, England. (Click here to see a copy of the birth announcement.) He weighed a healthy 7 lb15 oz. Friends said the Duke's mother, Iona, Dowager Duchess of Argyll, and his sister Lady Louise Campbell had joined the couple at the hospital for the birth. The couple split their time between London and Inveraray, where Eleanor, Duchess of Argyll, now works for the Argyll estate.

The Marquis of Lorne's Baptism
On Sunday the 29th of August 2004, the baptism of the son of Their Graces The Duke and Duchess of Argyll was held. The Marquis of Lorne was born March 9, 2004.
The young Marquis of Lorne was baptised "Archie Frederick Campbell". The photos were taken in front of the Glenaray & Inveraray Parish Church following the baptism service with his proud parents, Torquhil and Eleanor, The Duke and Duchess of Argyll.
Among the congregation were Duke Torquhil's mother, The Duchess Iona, The Duke's maternal grandmother and grandfather, Captain Sir Ivar Iain Colquhoun of Luss 8th BT, Chief of Clan Colquhoun and Lady Colquhoun of Luss, and the mother and father of The Duchess Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hugh George Cadbury.
Inveraray Castle
February 2006
Their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Argyll are very pleased to announce the birth of their second son, Rory James Campbell.
Lord Rory James Campbell was born February 3, 2006 at Queen Charlotte's Hospital, London, England. He weighed 7 pounds 14 oz.
The Duke and Duchess of Argyll and members of both families are delighted with the news.
Members of Clan Campbell worldwide wish our Chief, his wife the Duchess, big brother Archie, and the newest addition to the Clan, Rory, all the best.
Inveraray Castle
February 2008
Their Graces The Duke and Duchess of Argyll are very pleased to announce the birth of their third child and first daughter, Charlotte Mary Campbell on 29th October 2008.
Lady Charlotte Mary Campbell was born on 29th October 2008 at 16.01hrs, weighing in at exactly the same 7lb 14oz as older brother Rory.
The Duke and Duchess of Argyll and members of the family are delighted with the news. Mother and daughter are both doing well, a familiar phrase, but one which means a great deal to the family concerned.
Members of Clan Campbell worldwide wish our Chief, his wife the Duchess, big brothers Archie and Rory, and the newest addition to the Clan, Charlotte, all the best.
Current Line of Succession
1. Archie Frederick Campbell, Marquess of Lorne heir apparent (b. 2004) (eldest son of the 13th Duke of Argyll (S) and 6th Duke of Argyll UK))
2. Lord Rory James Campbell (b. 2006) (second and youngest son of the 13th Duke of Argyll (S) and 6th Duke of Argyll UK))
3. Lord Colin Ivar Campbell (b. 1946) (second and youngest son of Ian Douglas Campbell, 11th Duke of Argyll (S), 4th Duke of Argyll (UK)) without issue
The Campbells of Lochnell are the latest cadets of Argyll, and in default of the male descendants of John, 4th Duke of Argyll, heirs to the titles and estates should the Argyll line fail.
4. Alexander (Alick) Hugh Edward Campbell, 17th of Lochnell, (b. 1961) (eldest son of the late Alexander Duncan Lochnell Campbell, 16th of Lochnell) without issue
5. Iain Charles Lochnell Campbell, (b. 1962) (second and youngest son of Alexander Duncan Lochnell Campbell, 16th of Lochnell)
6. Rory Lochnell Campbell, (b. 2000) (eldest and only son of Iain Charles Lochnell Campbell)
Peter W. Hammond, editor, The Complete Peerage or a History of the House of Lords and All its Members From the Earliest Times, Volume XIV: Addenda & Corrigenda (Stroud, Gloucestershire, U.K.: Sutton Publishing, 1998), page 35. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage, Volume XIV.
Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 134. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.
Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition, 2 volumes (Crans, Switzerland: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 1999), volume 1, page 103. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition.
Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry, Vol. 1 & 2 1965-9, ed. Peter Townend; Vol. 3 1972 (with Index to all three Volumes) ed. Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd